Nakmuay 'BANKJOB II 'muay thai sports holdall | DeathBlo
Nakmuay 'BANKJOB II 'muay thai sports holdall | DeathBlo
Nakmuay 'BANKJOB II 'muay thai sports holdall | DeathBlo
Load image into Gallery viewer, Nakmuay 'BANKJOB II 'muay thai sports holdall | DeathBlo
Load image into Gallery viewer, Nakmuay 'BANKJOB II 'muay thai sports holdall | DeathBlo
Load image into Gallery viewer, Nakmuay 'BANKJOB II 'muay thai sports holdall | DeathBlo

Nakmuay 'BANKJOB II 'muay thai sports holdall | DeathBlo

Regular price £39.99



The BANKJOB can carry 60 litres of kit.... all of your essential combat equipment plus about 50k in used £10 bank notes. Perfect for the busy Nakmuay who needs to 'pack and go'  and hasn't got time to do it neatly.

Perfect if the cops are on your tail or you just got out of work late and are in a hurry to make training and you need to chuck it all in there and MOVE!!!!

To help you sort your dry kit from your wet kit there is a nifty little side pouch to chuck shizzle straight in, there is a small net pouch to chuck your manky mouth guard in and a side pouch for your electrolytes, tape, wraps and anklets.

There is a grab handle on each end and the usual top side carry handles and a shoulder strap in case you need both hands to reload and get some rounds down.
If you have seen the film 'HEAT' you will get it.

So far, we have managed to pack this with 2 x pairs of gloves, a set of muay thai pads, shin guards, 5 t-shirts, 2 shorts, 2 x sports towels, 2 x mouthguards, 2 x anklets, 500 caffeine pills and a pack of Dioralyte and a litre of water

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